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GDPR compliance

To Comply with the new rules I have to have a privacy policy so here it is.

1. What information do I collect? The only information I collect is the email addresses of people who become members (in order to gain access to free stories)

2. How do I use the information? I use you email addresses to keep you updated with new site developments you can expect no more than two per month.

3. How to get your details removed from my list. If you email a request or click on unsubscribe on any newsletter all of your details will be deleted within 10 working days. This will mean that you no longer have access to the free stories.

4. Do you share my information with other parties? Absolutely not. I gather the information solely in order to circulate a newsletter. My list is never sold or shared with any other party

5. How many people have access to my data? One, me. I am the only person who manages this site and, if the host company is doing their part, the only person with access to your data.

That about sums it up I hope you will stay with me but if you decide to leave I completely understand. If you have any questions, please email me, the address is on the front page header.

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